Tuesday, April 9, 2013

School Lunches

School lunches are a huge topic in public health. What are we feeding our children? Are they getting balanced meals? Fruits and vegetables should be included, there should be a filling main dish with the proper quantities. Are there soda's available at the school? OH MY GOD THERE ARE ?? *Huge discussion ensues about how terribly horribly despicable this is*. 

Comparison of the French school meals and the American school meals is incessant. We feed them this, but they feed them that, and so on and so forth and that's why their children are obese!

There's always a scandal breaking about the food the schools serve. They've been given rotten food items, they've been using pink sludge, they've been serving pork, pizza is a vegetable... and Jamie Oliver goes crazy (rightfully) discussing the food served at schools! 

And then my friends and teachers from different countries across the globe look to me and ask: What are school lunches like in Lebanon? And all I can think of is that on my second break I used to buy a man2oushi... 

We did have a lunch cafeteria at my school, but it was optional... you had to pay for your individual meals, you weren't subscribed to a lunch program as is the case in many other countries. Most students brought their own lunches with them from home. 
This whole debate over healthy food for children in schools never seemed like an issue to me in Lebanon. In fact, based on my upbringing and on that of the Lebanese I know, feeding children balanced diets never seemed to be such a complicated issue, be it at school or at home.

But what did I know then?
Further research is needed into current student lunch situations in Lebanon. Will form an educated opinion after I've done that. 
Opinions and information welcome.

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