I happened to be in the company of 3 very awesome people lately. They were discussing issues we are facing in this country of ours, and thoughts on what to do to make a change.
Their conversation was so impassioned that I was moved. The issues they brought to the table enraged me! The thoughts to counter them, to make a point, to stir change for betterment, encouraged me!
But when I left them I realized something that isn't really that much of a stretch to realize :p . I realized that most of us live in a different reality. When someone brings these topics up with us, we involve ourselves in the conversation entirely. We seem very opinionated and express strong emotions towards the subjects at hand. We even go so far as to get angry!
But then we put on our hats and coats (ummm yeah it's summer but we shall ignore that, coz hats and coats sounds cool), and we walk out, and everything we were just acting out about becomes something that happened to someone else, and life goes on.
This couple was taking a walk down the street of beautiful city. As they walked they noticed a man push another down, grab his wallet and run. The victim yelled and shouted and asked for help. The couple glanced uneasily at him, then at each other, and they agreed to stay out of it. "b3od 3an el shar w ghaneelo". They need not get involved in something that did not affect them.
An hour later, at dinner with friends, they told the story of the mugging and made comments about how people have become! How it is not safe on our streets any longer! But they ate their dinner and had a wonderful time with their friends, and that is all that became of that event to them: a story to tell.
And sadly, with most of us, that is all that becomes of anything.
Stories are the creative conversion of life itself into a more powerful, clearer, more meaningful experience. They are the currency of human contact. — Robert McKee