Friday, April 22, 2011

The Sky's the Limit

I have spent some time lately with someone rather interesting. He is young, and ambitious, and foolish as all young people are (myself included!). 
We have discussed many a different topic. I was impressed by his wealth of knowledge, and amused by his naivety. I heard him speak of his dreams, and what dreams they were!
I caught myself thinking of how he would be speaking of them ten years from now, after the world had filed away at them, day after relentless day. 
I was appalled at my own cynicism! Already thinking of his inevitable failure! Inevitable! The very word that came to mind!
Indeed I was convinced that he would never achieve what his heart and mind sang about today. I mentally slapped myself in the face; hard! (I was too cowardly to do it for real!)

Shocking how easy it has become to dismiss our hopes and aspirations and satisfy ourselves with the status quo. How can we move forward if we have persuaded ourselves that even trying is futile?
I truly believe that anything is possible. It is even possible to forget having that belief! The only thing that stands between us and our dreams is our perseverance; our ability to learn from failure rather than collapse beneath it. 

For so long now my goals have been so down to earth, never higher than eye level. I'm looking up now. So much so that even to those who say the sky's the limit, I will politely reply: No, it's not. 


  1. We often laugh at other people's big dreams to excuse ourselves because we have lost the gift to dream ourselves. But, life does that to you.
    If you think about it, all dreams can be reached. I've often heard that everything you can imagine is real. Most of the time, we are the ones standing in our own way.
    Planning only gets you so far. Dreaming and hoping is what gets you up when you are knocked down.
    But, unfortunately, after a few knocks, we tend to play it safe and just crawl.
    We may look strangely at those unsoiled people and laugh at their naivety. But deep inside, we envy it, and long to be so stupidly hopeful and full of dreams! Still, we wait for them to fail. Even at times we unconsciously wish it, cause then we will feel a tiny bit better about ourselves.
    Okay, i'm rambling! And i have to go back to work.
    This is very heavy for a first post :)
    I suggest that in your next post u talk about puppies. Puppies who like to chase around butterflies and give them hugs and chocolate and sugar-free candy bars!

  2. i wish the "he" in your post could be me!

  3. I'm sure it's you honey bunny she's talking about... You are an inspiration to us all. Why, i wake up many times a night thinking of how brightly you shine upon my life, and how i am lucky to have you. I cannot go on... Words fail me.

  4. euh and if they were nightmare chou byssyr :p


Please let me know what you think? I'm interested in any feedback or thought sharing or name calling...whatever you'd like to say!