I want to tell you a story. The story of a young woman who can't for the life of her decide what to do with her life.
With every passing day she realizes that days are passing. And she is trudging on, but with no particular direction.
She tries whatever catches her eye, dabbling in different things and in no one thing.
There are good days where she feels that this is exactly what she ought to be doing, and that she is experiencing life to the fullest and what not.
But then again there are bad days when she feels that she is wasting time and letting life pass her by without moving in any particular direction.
There are those moments when she feels proud of her accomplishments and content with her current situation. But soon after there are different moments, during which the accomplishments of others shadow her own and she feels useless.
If she ever gets things figured out once and for all, I'll be sure to let you know.
And if you have any advice for her, I'll definitely pass it on.